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Journal of Material science and Mining technology (JMSMT)
The Journal of Material Science and Mining Technology (JMSMT) provides a global platform for publishing original research contributions that showcase the latest advancements in both the theory and application of metallurgy and mining. This publication encompasses a wide range of research topics within the field of metallurgy, such as hydrometallurgy, pyrometallurgy, electrometallurgy, mining systems simulation, Mining rock mechanics and mine ground control, solidification, mechanical working, materials processing, and the interplay between processing, structure, and material properties. This platform offers an international platform for material scientists looking to publish inclusive papers, Brief Communications, Reviews, Original research findings on metals, polymers, Semiconductors, ceramics and more.
- Coating
- Composite Materials
- Corrosion
- Materials Processing and Handling
- Oceanography
- Metal Processing
- Metallurgical Fundamentals and Techniques
- Hydrology
- Mineral Processing
- Polymers
- Metals and Ceramics
- Semiconductors
- Plastic and composites
- Mechanical Engineering
Petroleum Engineering
- Hydraulic Mining
- Limestone
- MolecularEcology
- Rock Mechanics
- Rock Salt
- Surface Mining
- Landfills Drift mining
- Slope Mining
- Retreat mining
- Hard rock mining
- Block caving
- Trommel
- Placer mining
- Sluices
- Geometallurgy
- Smelting
- Coal fires
- Materials for energy industry
- Materials for buildings
- Biomaterials
Editorial Board

Topala Pavel
Alecu Russo State University of Balti
Mechanical and physical-technical technologies of materials processing, unconventional technologies, plasma physics, micro and nanotechnologies
Republic of Moldova
Articles in Press
Volume 1 – Issue 1
Short Communication
- October, 2024

Micro-X Ray Fluorescence (micro-XRF) Usefulness in Waste Analysis
Marco Volante 1*, Daniela Rizzo 2, Debora Cusumano 2, Silvia Attuati 2 and Silva Feroldi 2
Journal of Material science and Mining technology (JMSMT)
Current Issue
Volume 1 – Issue 1
Research Article
- May

Coming soon
Coming Soon
Journal of Material science and Mining technology (JMSMT)