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Plagiarism Policy

Shrine Publishers upholds a commitment to publishing original content that has not been previously published or is currently under review elsewhere, and refrains from copying material from other published articles. Various software tools are utilized to detect plagiarism in submitted manuscripts.

In some cases, papers may inadvertently be published more than once, even by reputable authors. Certain authors may submit identical manuscripts to multiple journals and attempt to retract one if the other is accepted.

To prevent such occurrences, Shrine Publishers adheres to a rigorous Editorial Process across all its journals to ensure quality. This process includes stringent measures to combat plagiarism, redundancy, multiple submissions, and data fabrication or falsification.

Duplicate submissions, meaning articles that have already been published or are under review elsewhere, are not accepted by Shrine Publishers.

 Authors are required to disclose all contributors to their scientific work in manuscripts, and articles published by Shrine Publishers must include a conflict of interest disclosure encompassing financial and non-financial interests, affiliations, and personal, racial, or intellectual properties.

Reviewers who work in the same research area at a competing institution as the authors may be influenced in their judgment, potentially leading to rejection of a competing article to ensure their own research is published first.

Editors may be biased in their judgment of an article’s suitability for publication if it is submitted by a friend or colleague.

Shrine Publishers strictly prohibit manipulation of data in citations, figures, and results. Authors are encouraged to submit original research, reviews, case reports, letters to the editor, editorials, mini reviews, etc.

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